- Authors of accepted papers will present a 5-minute talk about their work. You may either present in person, or submit a video. For the latter option, please submit by June 15th (11:59 PST) to CMT, following the previous CVPR oral instructions here (uploading as a .mp4 file).
- We'll have two paper presentation sessions: 9am - 11am and 1pm - 2pm. Each session will be a mix of in-person and video presentations. Throughout the paper sessions, there will be short Q&A sessions for all of the papers that precede them. We'll also release recordings on our website for offline viewing. We'll post the paper schedule in the coming weeks.
- You are welcome to optionally present a poster during the lunch and coffee breaks. We unfortunately are unable to offer a hybrid option for posters.
- Please also submit the camera ready version of your paper via CMT by June 17th (11:59 PST). Papers will be available on our website.
- Looking forward to seeing you there!
Andrew Owens University of Michigan |
Jiajun Wu Stanford |
Arsha Nagrani |
Triantafyllos Afouras Meta |
Ruohan Gao Stanford |
Hang Zhao Tsinghua |
William Freeman MIT/Google |
Andrew Zisserman Oxford |
Kristen Grauman UT Austin / Meta | Antonio Torralba MIT | Jean-Charles Bazin Meta |